How do I change my password?
If you want to change your password on Betfair, just follow these steps:
1 - Go to Login and select Forgot your password
2 - Enter your email and date of birth
3 - Select send security code to either your registered phone number of email address
4 - When you receive your security code, enter it and press continue
5 - You’ll then be asked to take a selfie. Once this check has been successfully passed you can enter a new password
Your password must include:
- At least 8 characters;
- A combination of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and special characters (you must use one of these symbols !?()*+,:;=@_./-[]{});
- Never write down your password.
You should avoid:
- Using your name in your password;
- Passwords based on personal information, e.g. names of family, friends, pets, or important dates;
- Words that can be found in the dictionary, and simple variants (e.g.: writing the word backwards);
- A sequence of characters, repeated characters (e.g. "12345678" or "22222222"), or characters that are close together on the keyboard (e.g. "qwertyui");
- The same password on different sites.