Every time you make a deposit on the Betfair website, a check will be made to ensure that you have not deposited more than your limit for the previous day, week or month (depending on the time period you have set).
If you increase the amount or frequency of your limit, the new amount will only come into effect after 7 days. Reductions are effective immediately. The deposit limit is not affected by any money transfers between wallets or withdrawals.
The time period on your deposit limit is counted in hours, not calendar days. A monthly deposit limit will count all deposits made in the last 30 days, and a daily deposit limit will count all deposits made in the last 24 hours. For example:
You have a deposit limit of R$100 per month.
27 days ago, you deposited a total of R$70. In the next three days, you will only be able to deposit a maximum of R$30.
If you do not make any new deposits within the next 3 days, on the fourth day you will be free to deposit the limit amount again.
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