To protect the integrity of our games, we use Random Number Generators, which are constantly tested and verified.
Random Number Generators are technologies designed to generate a sequence that has no pattern and therefore appear to be random.
Each spin is independent of the last game and does not take into account your wins or losses in previous games.
There are two types of random number generators:
Software random generators use mathematical algorithms to generate random numbers by initializing the algorithm with a starting value derived from some repetitive operation on the computer, such as keystrokes, running processes, the computer clock, or mouse movements. However, it is extremely difficult to obtain a completely random starting value, since most of these operations work with a small range of values.
Hardware random generators, on the other hand, do not require initial values because hardware random numbers are not calculated values; they are not derived through a repeatable algorithm. Instead, hardware-generated random numbers are digitized snapshots of naturally occurring noise. Because there is no algorithm and no repeating sequences of numbers, even if a hacker could determine a number, he or she would not be able to use it to predict future numbers.
For this reason, hardware random number generators are known as truly random number generators.